Jointly with ISCOS-Institute for Security and Cooperation in Outer Space and after many years of incremental efforts, SRI re-launches its European initiative (ESSDI) to push forward the official acknowledgement and endorsement of the potential pivotal course-correcting paradigm-shifting international law mechanism, the Treaty for the Prevention of Placement of Weapons in Space, to European Governments who are concerned and willing to participate in the abolition, under international law, of all space-based weapons, and the subsequent initiation of pro-human peace-keeping efforts for the gradually-effective transformation of the weapons and war industries into new peace-promoting cooperative space-age industries with the capability to solve all major challenges facing our civilisation and jointly participate in the implementation of a variety of pioneering global development programs and projects which will guarantee World Peace and a prosper future for all.
Briefing of Governmental Officials is underway to achieve official positioning and signing and ratification of The Treaty for the 21st Century, to be presented unilaterally or within the auspices of the next UNGA (United Nations General Assembly).