The Synergy Research Institute

Reinforcing Education for Human & Science Diplomacy
The Synergy Research Institute

The Synergy Research Institute

Our Mission Statement

"the decentralisation of human basic needs & the transformation of the weapons and warfare industry will guide us into a New Peaceful World Cooperative Space Industry and Society that will ban ALL forms of aggression and war and will establish the necessary international regulations and technologies to guarantee Global Justice, Peace and Security; reinforcing the peaceful uses of outer space and developing a long list of pro-human projects that will yield more jobs and profits than any other venture or war throughout history" ...

Potential Futures

Interdisciplinary research into the root-causes of the current global state of affairs is key to further understand our civilization’s urgent needs and its balance with the biosphere. We gather data, analyse and assess potential future scenarios, acknowledge the industrial and governmental structures which have encased nations and societies into unnatural self-destructing paths, and provide foresight and insight into what is likely to happen and how we can design course-correcting efforts towards new regenerative pro-human projects and solutions.


Together with junior and senior researchers and academics we establish R&D programs on inter-locking fields and disciplines for the pursuit of (r)evolutionary strategies and new models for the transformation of centralised systems and industries, designing scalable solutions to tackle the world’s imperative problems while inspiring the latest generations into recognising how this can be done. Scientific and Social development should never be subjected to funding rules, corporate, governmental and/or institutionalised outcomes and profitable expectations.


The divulgence of results is paramount for the implementation of co-operative solutions, either through open platforms and independent publications. We believe that generating inspiration through the arts sector is also a great way to inspire and encourage youngst(a)rs and adults through training and educational programs which can assist and train local groups to duplicate and create their own initiatives.

Action Committee

Our Action Committee entails the implementation of strategies required to generate cooperation within the academic community, local governmental representatives and other organisations, to directly interfere in constructive ways to the regulating local institutions of government with the sole purpose of defining and reinforcing appropriate measures to imperative problems regarding economic-societal and environmental concerns and needs.

The Study of Potential Futures

The Study of Potential Futures (i.e. futurology), is historically practiced by futurists and has been developed since the 1960s. It has for-profit organizations, i.e. enterprises and businesses, as its primary market, however it is increasingly providing services to smaller yet scalable community and societal models as-well as for governmental agencies, perhaps traditionally for sectors unrelated to security (like urbanism, education, the future of work etc.). It is characterized by a pro-peace utopian view, a stress on human intent, a special multi-disciplinarity concentrating on economy and business, technology, some elements of sociology and anthropology, literary criticism, and philosophy, according to its founding fathers’ outlook and associated writings. It also tends to have been influenced by post-modernism. It is most often taught in business schools or part of business programs, such as the Wharton School, Turku’s Finland Futures Research Centre, or the University of HoustonHawaii Research Center for Futures Studies seems to be an exception to the rule as it is part of the department of political studies.

Strategic Initiatives

Leading the Path of Action

The European Space Security and Developement Iniciative (ESSDI)


Jointly with ISCOS-Institute for Security and Cooperation in Outer Space and after many years of incremental efforts, SRI re-launches its European initiative (ESSDI) to push forward the official acknowledgement and endorsement of the potential pivotal course-correcting paradigm-shifting international law mechanism, the Treaty for the Prevention of Placement of Weapons in Space, to European Governments who are concerned and willing to participate in the abolition, under international law, of all space-based weapons, and the subsequent initiation of pro-human peace-keeping efforts for the gradually-effective transformation of the weapons and war industries into new peace-promoting cooperative space-age industries with the capability to solve all major challenges facing our civilisation and jointly participate in the implementation of a variety of pioneering global development programs and projects which will guarantee World Peace and a prosper future for all.

Briefing of Governmental Officials is underway to achieve official positioning and signing and ratification of The Treaty for the 21st Century, to be presented unilaterally or within the auspices of the next UNGA (United Nations General Assembly).

Innovation Office

The Mind-to-Market Process

SRI’s Fractal Solutions Lab (FSL) & The Human & Science Fair Initiative

With more than two decades of privileged access to advanced information and projects which have involved the most pioneering minds of the last two centuries, and together with multidisciplinary research into theoretical physics and advanced concepts, SRI prepares to share and continue its path through the Open Research methodology, by inviting academics from all disciplines and nationalities to join minds and efforts into putting together all the pieces of the puzzle to help define a gross Unified Field Theory that will allow the academic world and the latest generations into the outstanding imminent possibility of developing non-polluting over-unity technologies for energy-access and the production of materials, triggering the decentralisation of the manufacturing process and therefor the supply of unlimited basic needs and resources that will eventually allow humanity to transcend the current non-viable path of self-destruction and collateral ecosystem deterioration.

We are now in the initial stages of attracting passionate scientists, researchers and entrepreneurs which, together with other organisations and academic institutions, can enrol to pursue their own passion and research within the framework of The Hyper-Dimensional Model, which has already been corroborated and recognized by the most advanced research and outstanding pioneering minds on the planet.

SRI recognises this path as imperative for the Proper Advancement of Humanity. Read more about what we mean with ‘proper’, here.

Make sure to read also about FSL’s Science Fair Initiative; where educators, students and scientists meet for inspirational school-organised events.


Is the Collapse of Our Civilization the Result of an Evil Conspiracy, Idiocy in High Places, or Both?

Posted by Asuka Burke 5sc on November 18, 2021 We are living through what Lyndon LaRouche described as a global systemic collapse, which affects every aspect of our …


Transforming The War Industry Into A World Cooperative Space Industry: A New Economic Stimulus Package & Security System via The Space Preservation Act and Companion Space Preservation Treaty

January, 2003 On June 13, 2002 the Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty was terminated following the unilateral notice of abrogation by the U.S. Administration on December …

SRI’s Mission Statement is already on Mars!